Handy Manny Wiki

Ever since Pilar Vargas Portillo (Mrs. Portillo) married Abuelito in "Wedding Day", Manny for now on starts calling her Abuelita "Grandma" as he learns that both of them are having a Valentine's Day party as Manny plans to ask Kelly out but the tools and Abuelito learn that Manny is too shy to ask Kelly.

This marks the 2nd Valentine's Day episode of the series.

The copyright's saying 2012. But the actual episode aired in 2013.



  • This episode heavily focuses on the Ship Tease between Manny and Kelly.
  • Manny starts calling Mrs. Portillo “Abuelita” which means “Grandma” in Spanish even though she’s his step-grandmother.
  • Turner breaks the fourth wall by saying “It took them long enough” when Manny and Kelly sit at the table for two at the Valentine’s Day party.
  • this is the finale episode of Handy Manny before it got cancelled.

