Mrs. Portillo's Bakery is a location located within the town of Sheetrock Hills. Mrs. Portillo's Bakery is a store located next to Kelly's Hardware Store and next to Mr. Lopart's Candy Store. Mrs. Portillo's Bakery is a store owned and managed by Mrs. Portillo. The bakery is a food store and it caters different variety of food products cooked by Mrs. Portillo herself. Citizens of Sheetrock Hills and tourists would come to Mrs. Portillo's café to eat.
The store has made several appearances throughout the series of Handy Manny, both appeared directly and appeared as a background store. Manny and the Tools came to this store to make repairs for Mrs. Portillo. Besides making repairs, Manny and the tools have visited this store to buy and eat the food that Mrs. Portillo has made, especially her cookies and tamales.